Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ramadan Night 26

When comes the help
Of God, and victory,
And thou does see
The people enter God's religion
In crowds,
Celebrate the praises
Of thy Lord, and pray
For His forgiveness:
For He is oft-returning
(In grace and mercy).
S.110 A.1-3

I started reading the Koran more than three weeks ago, focusing on very specific issues related to my thoughts and actions.  Now, as I am nearing the last suras, I am thinking more broadly, more comfortable to think about larger concepts like heaven and my final judgement.  Reading through the Koran has been a good exercise for me, as it has allowed me to put my spiritual life in perspective.  I have been challenged to look at many things differently, all of them related to my development.  Knowing what I need to do from moment to moment, day to day, year to year has made me far more comfortable and confident.  As I continue to study and pray, the concept of heaven becomes more and more real, and I think about it more.  Years ago, the thought of an afterlife had no appeal to me, now it is becoming a logical motivator for me, a logical extension of my faith.

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