Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ramadan Night 25 - The Sixth Entry

For the covenants
(Of security and safeguard
Enjoyed) but the Quraish,
Their covenants (covering) journeys
By winter and summer,
Let them adore the Lord
Of this House,
Who provided them
With food against hunger,
And with security
Against fear (of danger).
S.106 A.1-4

I often heard my Yemeni friends refer to this sura, as either the Quraish were of Yemeni descent, or that they traveled through the region extensively. I think this relates to me now in that if I conduct myself honorably and as a good Muslim, then I too will enjoy such hospitality in my earthly environment. I think a lot more lately, about my conduct and more importantly, about the thoughts and motivations behind my actions.  Not only do I want them to be viewed positively, I want them to be genuine.  I know that if I improve the way I deal with people, it will make my world better, and theirs too.  This is my new focus, not just some temporary goal that needs to be pounded out, but the care and welfare of those around me who will ultimately help me with my tasks. 

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