Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadan Night 19 - The Fifth Entry

Is it not to God
That sincere devotion
Is due?  But those who
Take for protectors others
Than God (say): "We only
Serve them in order that
They may bring us nearer
To God."  Truly God
Will judge between them
In that werein they differ.
But God guides not
Such as are false
And ungrateful.
S.39 A.3

I have a good idea this is referencing the use of icons or idols in worship. They are not a step closer to God, they are a distraction.  Long before I came back to Islam (reverted), I admired the prohibition against icon and images in worship.  I had long seen silly and irreverent slogans and signs in my culture, things that I though demeaned God and the holy concepts we were to hold so dear.  I can remember visiting a Christian bookstore and seeing hundreds of statues of Jesus (pbuh) and wondering what that piece of plastic would do for a believer.  Perhaps it provided a moment of inspiration or comfort, but I recognized that embracing it and revering it was a detraction from the proper reverence of the Prophet.  I am not expressing this well, but I do understand how these seemingly related representations create barriers from God.  As a young boy, I enjoyed singing in church on occasion, but I don't think it was God that I was feeling, more so the temporary fellowship of the people around me.  But as I have mentioned earlier, this fellowship was not enduring, probably as fleeting as the melodies themselves.
I also believe this verse has modern value as well, cautioning us against any manifestation of our faith that obstructs our path, delays our journey, or distorts our vision.  Vanity and self-righteousness are two prime culprits in my opinion - my faith should make me feel good, it should challenge me, and it should direct me, but it should not make me feel superior, nor should it make me desire to subjugate others.  The petty, satisfying warmth these sins bring should never be confused for the presence of God. Likewise, embracing the use of violence inappropriately is also a terrible miscalculation.  The knowledge that you have defended your faith, your family, yourself certainly does not produce the same dark pleasure of killing innocent humans - it simply cannot.  These emotions, these sins do not bring us closer to God, so serving them or indulging them surely lead to ruin.  
I have the Koran to guide me, and I will be careful not to generate to select issues that I might manipulate for my selfish or personal motives.  As a matter of fact, I am focusing on those words that challenge me directly, knowing that it is I who is to me molded, not the word of my God.   

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