Friday, August 19, 2011

Ramadan Night 22 - The Seventh Entry

See ye not
How Allah has created
The seven heavens
One above another,
And made the moon
A light in their midst,
And made the sun
As a (glorious) lamp?
S.71 A.15-16

I am always taken off guard with the simple references to nature as God's instruments.  They are simple and they are stunning.  The sun as God's glorious lamp is so apt, a beacon that rises each morning to call us to Him.  The humble setting of the majestic stars ushering in man's redemption each morning, signaled by the rising of the sun, God's lamp, his promise to us.  I commune differently with the day now - I judge the actions of my day at sunset, lay in peaceful solitude late in the night, and I wake with a prayer for grace and forgiveness at the rising of the sun. 


  1. Beautiful.
    By the way, has your enthusiasm lead to an extra night somewhere along the way? Are we not on night 21?

  2. Yes, :( when I first noticed this I thought I would just leave it because I would probably miss a night or two. I did not count on the amount of pleasure and grace I would feel each day reading and writing. I suppose I am lucky that I am not on night 45 :)

  3. Wonderful :-)
    Just remember Ramadan has 30 days:-) Regardless of how many more days we want, it is a blessing which we have to hope that we can be a part of in the following year.
