Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ramadan Night 21 - The Third Entry

O ye who believe!
When ye hold secret counsel,
Do it not for iniquity
And hostility, and disobedience
To the Prophet; but do it
For righteousness and self-restraining;
And fear God, to Whom
Ye shall be brought back.
S.58 A.9

Yet another verse that is so important to me - secret counsel.  I was not surprised to see this mentioned in this sura, but I was surprised to see that it can be a positive thing.  I don't yet understand the second half of this verse, and I will have to meditate on it some more.  Unfortunately, the first half is all too familiar.
I think there are  several elements of human nature, some that are negative,  that are very powerful: the need to be included, particularly in an exclusive group; the need to have exclusive knowledge, particularly sensational or negative; and the need to gossip.  This is why most of us have a negative reaction when we see small groups huddled in the corner whispering. We just know it must be at some one's expense, and we worry that that someone is us. 
I am working hard to stop behaviors like this, and I am getting better, Alhamdulilah. I used to be a leader in these clutches, now I am avoiding them entirely.  The base needs I feel are magnified when I am around many people who condone it, even invite it.  I know I have to stay away from these microcosms until I deal with my underlying motives, my petty needs.  I know I have been the target of these groups in the past, and i did not appreciate it - that should be motive enough for me to stop doing this to others.  I am working on it.
Now, as far as the positive aspects of secret counsel, I am inviting help to understand.............

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