Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ramadan Night 25 - The Seventh Post

Seest thou one
Who denies the judgement
(To come)?
Then such is the one
Who repulses the orphan,
And encourages not
The feeding of the indigent.
So woe to the worshippers
Who are neglectful
Of their prayers,
Those who (want but)
To be seen,
But refuse (to supply)
(Even) neighbourly needs.
S.107 A.1-7

I have talked about many of these elements, many times.  There is something new here, something very critical to me now - "Those who (want but) to be seen."  This is a new kind of vanity that might tempt me if I am not careful, the vanity of being seen as an "outstanding" Muslim.  I am not being flippant, I am referring to the temptation to profess the right deeds, the right thoughts to be held in higher esteem amongst my peers, my coworkers, the men at the mosque, anyone. There is often a thin line between wanting to be pious and chaste, and wanting to be recognized for it.  I know that line is near, and I want to be careful.  I have sensed this line since I have been writing these posts this Ramadan, knowing that I am working very hard and focusing very narrowly on many topics.  I have declared my intention to change behaviors and thoughts, and I have made many resolutions.  I know if anyone read these consecutively, they would see that "outstanding" Muslim I fear.  I hope it is clear that these are individual reflections, and I will revisit them to continue my development.  I will stumble, and I will keep coming back to them. I don't speak of these things outside this blog, and I never will.  I do hope though that I am eventually seen as a "good" Muslim, for the right reasons.  

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