Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ramadan Night 24 - The Seventh Entry

Have We not
Expanded thee thy breast?
And removed from thee
Thy burden
The which did gall
Thy back?
And raised high the esteem
(In which) thou (art held)?
So, verily
With every difficulty,
There is relief:
Verily, with every difficulty
There is a relief
Therefore, when thou art
Free (from thine immediate task),
Still labour hard,
And so thy Lord
Turn(all) thy attention.
S.94 A.1-8

There are two levels of this verse for me - the first relates to how God raised man from His common animals, and the second advises us how to deal with the advancement.  God has expanded our breast, given us hearts that feel things other animals cannot apprehend, things that are beautiful and things that are terrible. This heightened sensitivity to our hearts brings us much pain at times, and there is solace here in this verse, if we can but accept it.
I have two friends who are suffering a lot of pain these days, suffering from their heightened hearts. Perhaps that is the price we pay to own these hearts.  I pray they find relief from the agony they feel, I pray they can let Allah grant them release.  This will be my prayer these last several nights of Ramadan, I pray they can lay their burdens down and turn their attention to the Lord. 

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