Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ramadan Night 23 - The Fourteenth Entry

By degrees shall We
Teach thee
(The message), so thou
Shalt not forget.
S.87 A.6

I am learning in degrees, and God has been very patient with me.  I should know so much more than I do, understood things much more clearly than I have, and prayed with much more diligence than I seem to have mustered. Yet God, and my brothers and sisters, have been very patient with me.  I have never been judged for a misstep during prayer, quizzed unfaithfully by a zealot, or viewed suspiciously as I entered a mosque. I like to think that a Muslim can look straight into my heart - and though that vision might produce a kind chuckle, the result is a warm embrace and tolerant support for my tardy development.  I love my faith and the perserverence of my Muslim family.  God is patient as He is generous.

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