Be told (all) that he
Put forward, and all
The he put back.
Nay, man will be
Evidence against himself.
S.75 A.13-14
I have been focused on what I have and will put forward, but not that which I have and will put back. Oddly though, these things (the things I have failed to do) are often the greatest source of regret for me (see the link below). This is a very timely admonition for me, for it is here that I find the greatest ambiguity when contemplating changes to myself, here that I find the vestiges of my ego and vanity taunting the nobility of my faith. I think not only of the good deeds undone, but the battles I fail to join, the defences I fail to make. I have been exceptionally reluctant in these endeavors lately, knowing that it is easy for me to engage others, for whatever reason. I have been searching for more peace of mind, contentment of heart, and humility of soul - taking up challenges, real and imagined, seems incompatible with the dignified Muslim I want to be.
But I do know that there are battles to be waged, if not for my own interests, for those of others. And the larger scale issues related to the defense of our families, homes, and faith are not lost on me either, as I have fretted over this in many previous posts. I need more guidance on this issue, not trusting the old man that I was to rally me to action, but a counseled Muslim free of vanity and ego, defending God's interests on earth. I need a lot of guidance here!
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