Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ramadan Night 25 - The Eighth Entry

To thee have We
Granted the abundance.
Therefore to thy Lord
Turn in prayer
And sacrifice.
For he who hateth thee,
He will be cut off
(From future hope).
S.108 A.1-3

I have mentioned several times that I am grateful for the goodness God had laid in my heart, but I haven't given Him proper praise for the lack of hatred in my heart also.  I have never harbored hate in my heart for anyone, though there has been resentment and pain.  I also may not forgive as quickly as I should, but I do not hate. I do not wish harm to anyone, at least not longer than an impulse that I shut down harshly a few seconds later.  I have been hated, I think, and I have marvelled at the energy it requires.  Hatred seems so incompatible with everything else I want in my heart - love, forgiveness, charity, and hope. I am blessed I know, and I pray that I never learn the lesson of hatred, knowing I would never put it down if I did. 

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