His wife shall carry
The (crackling) wood
I shudder to think what the manifestations for our negative and destructive thought and actions will look like when we are finally judged! This is a very vivid metaphor that I think captures the essence of a life spent in spite and misery - "A twisted rope of a palm-leaf fiber round her (own) neck." I don't know what my soul's adornment will look like, but I do know if I died to day, it would not be unlike a twisted rope. I feel what I have been carrying these years and I don't like it. I want to discard it and replace it with something beautiful. Not just to gain access to heaven, but to have a better feeling now and the rest of my life, a peace of mind. I will think about this twisted rope, each time I am tempted to gossip, be negative, shirk a duty, or hurt someone. I will think about this rope.
The (crackling) wood
As fuel!
A twisted rope
Of a plam-leaf fibre
Round her (own) neck!
S.111 A.4-5
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