Monday, August 22, 2011

Ramadan Night 24 - The Sixth Entry

Did He not find thee
An orphan and give thee
Shelter (and care)?
And He found thee
Wandering, and He gave
Thee guidance.
And He found thee
In need, and made
Thee independent.
Therefore, treat not
The orphan with harshness,
Nor repulse him
Who asks;
But the bounty
Of thy Lord
Rehearse and proclaim!
S.93 A.6-11

Never has God spoken to me more directly and specifically than here. I was an orphan, though I knew my parents; I was wandering though I thought myself grounded; and I was needy yet had no needs. I have been an orphan in so many ways, and I have been rescued and provided for. But I do things backwards - I had to help other "orphans" before I could allow myself to be helped. Sometimes you have to learn how to help before you can be helped.  Now as I help anyone (we all may be orphans) I am returning my blessings.  If God could take pity on me, who could I not?    

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