Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Apology to My Brother and Sister

I have waited a long time to bring metaphoric pen to paper here, partly because I waited until several people had passed away, not wishing to hurt them, although I guess I am harming their memory. I try not to draw in too many living folks, having not yet secured their permission to publicly discuss my issues. I have detailed my life, particularly the earlier stages of it, and I have made mention of my brother and my sister. And even though I haven't gone into their personal detail, when I explain my childhood, I am violating their privacy. I would like to apologize for that. I would also like to apologize for the fact that what I write here is my perception, and may not represent their realities. It is like we all three went through a wash cycle together and came out in very different states. I will try to be more mindful of these things as I write, and finally, I would like to apologize for any future transgressions. I love you both and I truly do not want to hurt either of you.

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