Monday, August 24, 2015

Saint Fort

Saint Fort
Saint Fort takes care of the Primary School Program in the Mole Camp. He recruits and trains student leaders who then teach other children. He has also developed support programs for blind students, the army personnel in the camp, and other special groups. He truly is a man without energy boundaries!
Saint Fort reminds me of me often. He will perpetually be just on the outside of things looking in. It's not that he doesn't fit in, it's that he doesn't want to probably. He works very hard and has a strong ethical mindset. This can make him a godsend when you need him and a pain in the rear end when you don't. He is single-minded when he works and definitely a man of his word. The program we developed would not have grown at a quarter of the speed it did without him.
The picture above is a favorite of mine - Saint Fort is telling his students he is blind so they have to describe things in more detail. He is a very good, intuitive teacher. Saint Fort understood the notions of praise and encouragement long before I showed up at the camp. He is a champion of social justice and always on the lookout for the underdog. Like Teddy and Juliette, his English is outstanding and he did the lion's share of interpreting for me.
My trip was successful because of a few people like Saint Fort. He really took the reigns of the Primary School Program and made it his own. I marvel at his energy and compassion. He is a good man to have in your corner!

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