Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A New Prototype

I have been intrigued by the notion of building a table for our gala coming this next spring. It will be made from marble, barrel staves, and teak. It could be used as a wine table or a display table. Given the expenses of the materials (in excess of $600), I decided to make a prototype first. The prototype is made from pine tops and bottoms and barrel staves. Hazem, my gifted mechanic, welded a black metal hoop for the center. It turned out very nicely I must say! I wasn't sure what I would do with the prototype once I completed it. At least until a colleague gave me an old adding machine/cash register. I put one and one together (pun intended) and made a fun candy stand for the kids that visit our office. Each child is given a secret code (any combination works though) and then pulls the lever of the adding machine. The drawer pops open with lots of candy :)  It has been a hit so far.....

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