Tuesday, October 8, 2013

With Respect to My Christian Friends Who Support Israel

First off, I am not an expert in Israeli politics or culture, but then again, neither are you. I am not an expert on Christian doctrine and I concede that you might be. However, I don't understand where you have found the justification in your two Testaments to support a nation unilaterally when you fail so miserably (as do most of us) to do so in your own. To watch you, I would think you hate some of the men and women who lead this country and you would do what you could to take them out of power. Once again, this is not unique to you in this country. You are critical, you exercise your democratic responsibilities, and you judge the politicians around you justly, based on your faith and convictions. But you have it your mind (maybe not consciously) that Israel must exist, and your intellect and sense of values seems to stop there, or at least in St. Croix (technically the easternmost point of the USA). For you also seem to be oblivious to the diverse nature of the entity you support unconditionally. Israel has had conservative, somewhat liberal, and even socialist leaders; it has been led by great thinkers and courageous men, and it has been led by cowards and even rapists; it has stood up for itself valiently at times and it has victimized men, women, and children in other times. You don't seem to be aware or to care. From the outside it looks as if you need this "thing" to exist and that you are willing to overlook monstrous acts and decades of deprivation to tuck your faith in to bed comfortably each night. I personally do not believe it is that simple, but you sorely mystify me when your sensibilities and logic disappear so apparently conveniently. I don't recall any verse in any holy book that says "defend Israel in any form it takes, for any action it puts forth, with closed eyes and hardened hearts." I do not want this nation tossed into the sea or wiped from the earth. I do believe it can exist and flourish without the carte blanche you would afford no other government on earth. I once heard Jerry Falwell encourage Christians to purchase Krugerrands to support the White regime in South Africa fearing Apartheid would be replaced by a Godless socialism. If you don't give the situation in Israel/Palestine the same critical examination you give your own country, I believe you are promoting yet another form of Apartheid, and I am not sure which Prophet you would need to quote to support yourself.

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