Monday, July 8, 2013

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan is here, alhamdulilah, and I am not sure I am prepared - I never am sure. Ramadan slowly overtakes me though, and it is an incredible feeling. I will grow stronger each day, more focused on the profound gifts Allah has bestowed upon me, first and foremost his love. Two years ago, I used this blog to reflect on each of the Surah in the Holy Koran. Last year, I spent a good part of the month remembering the precious people who have touched my life. This year, I think, I will spend my energy on the ideas, concepts, and truths I hold dear. The fasting, praying, and good will of those around me motivates me and perhaps I will be able to dig into these notions with some clarity and a respectful diligence that often eludes me. I am ready to begin..................

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