Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Support Terrorism

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
--FBI Definition

When I read this, it struck me so vividly why the US staunchly refuses to declare any action of Israel as illegal. To do so would be to denounce it as a terrorist state. Time after time, the US is the sole dissenter on the UN Security Council when it comes to critique of Israeli actions. In essence then, we the people of the US, define what is legal and illegal, therefore what is a terrorist action and what is not. In a very thinly veiled defense, the best we (the US) could do was create the Negroponte Doctrine, whereby we refuse to endorse any sanction of Israel that does not also include a reference to Palestinian terrorist groups. Somewhat less than brilliant, it basically adds the adolescent grouse that any action is a relevant, justified reaction. Just like a 13 year old, Israel cannot conceptualize the possibility that their actions are proactive and unjust, and therefore believe it is unfair to be criticized. Even if there is no attributable cause, injury can be abjured with the specter of future danger abated. And worse, we accept this moral relativity not as a logical consequence, but because of the dissonance its denial would produce – imagine the war on terror if Israel becomes a foe. This cannot happen, therefore Israel cannot be a terrorist state, therefore Israel cannot execute illegal actions against the people of Palestine. Simple really.
I have come to the conclusion that I am a terrorist – or at the very least, that I support terrorism. In my opinion, many of Israel’s operations constitute the FBI definition of terrorism, whether or not our administration recognizes the fact. My government supports Israel, therefore I support Israel. I am not a Dixie Chick, I cannot declare that the President of the United States is not my president, nor can I renounce my government while remaining inside its purview. So, I guess to this point, I have been a somnambulent terrorist at the very least.
Now, to this issue of waking up - I am aware that I am an active participant in terrorist activities, what to do? Can I stand up like my liberal friends and shake my fist at the rest of my community, pedantically ranting about its ignorance? Should I bury my head back in the sand this time knowing where it is, and the consequences of my blindness? Can I immerse myself in politics and picket and protest? How do I know when I can rightfully place my head on my pillow at night and truly sleep? What to do, what to do?
Instead of worrying about what to do now that I am awake (if I really am, another philosophic discussion), I have been wondering how one endeavors to wake others. Through self-righteous indignation, protest, education, media, blogs, etc.? Do those methods work? Or are they like other forms of vain diplomacy that take decades while innocent people suffer and die? Do we need to be woken up gently, like the sleepwalker you dare not startle? Do we deserve to be left to our slumber, even when the dream within the dream starts to reveal troublesome inconsistencies? For if we wake to the reality that we have killed innocent people, children would that bring a new meaning to the term “night terror?” Can we choose to ignore the consequences of our luxurious languor? Is there a price?
I wonder now if some terrorists are not monsters at all, maybe just zealots intent on making other people wake up, anyway they can. Please do not mistake these musings as any type of justification or support for violent actions. But I have learned that certain behaviors (or willful oversight of behaviors) often carry consequences, deserved or otherwise. I wonder if we ever think about children in other places and whether or not they are to be accorded the rights we hold so dear and so close to our American hearts. Are these rights only for Americans? I wonder if we ever think about the Spencerian distinction of patriotism whereby we love our country rather than hating all others. Is the terror we feel the direct result of the heinous violence directed at us, or the possibility of rousing to our own culpability? I do not connect the two, morally or logically, but I understand the frustrated compulsion to do so, particularly when every other form of remedy has failed or been ignored.
I am a terrorist who despises terrorists. Where do I go?


  1. As usual Michael you put forward an interesting perspective and argument.
    The US is the proverbial enigma wrapped in a puzzle. I have liked most Americans I hve met, yet I detest what America stands for.
    It is undoubtedly the biggest hypocrite, autocrat, dictator, bully and terrorist in the world yet espouses freedom, equality, democracy and justice for all. But when you read the smallprint, the clause very clearly states that these are intendedonly for Americans, and white Americans at that.
    Economic superiority is the God of choice in the US. Knowing that the do not have the stomach or the capability of face to face combat, they prefer to rain down cluster bombs of depleted uranium shells on as manypeople as people. After all,the less people there are, the bigger slice of the pie you have.
    Conquer, Subjugate, exploit and plunder are their tools of trade.
    The secretary of state position is akin to the post of consigliari to the mob. She travels around the world making offers you can not refuse.
    The US is the biggest terrorist in the world today. It makes all others pale in comparison. It is also unashamedly brazen faced about, makes no attempt to hide it. Which is why I think most Americans do not see it. After all, if the US was so bad, you would think people would speak out, but theydon't, so we must be right. The US moral compass is so far skewed it's true north point in one direction only - towards the temple of the dollar. No matter that the dollar is a value-less currency, backed up by a smokescreen created by a small group of incredibly greedy and evil men whose hunger for the dollar is insatiable.
    Yet, we know this. But as any child in the school playground will tell you, it is better to be in the bullies group than out of it.
    Israel is a little cancer in the heart of the US. It is malignant and the only thing is to cut it out. But as we know, if it is cut out, the patient will die. The US needs Israel. It gives an outlet for the hatred felt by a large part of the world for America, but gets deflected onto Israel. Israel is a little parsite in the middle east. Left alone, it would be dealt with quickly ( I don't mean annihilated - that will surely come later as prophesised by all 3 of the great faiths). But it is a parasite on a monster of a host - the US.
    The US is however not invincible. In fact it knows it is vulnerable. Economically a mess. Militarily, it lacks the leadership and the stomach to succeed. Morally it isbankrupt. It's heart is irreversibly damaged. The path it has chosen and the blind following and acceptance of what it does by the majority of it's people will lead to it's self destruction.
    You are not a terrorist Michael. Anything but. You are still the child of a morally bankrupt parent who is more than happy to chew you up and spit you out to serve it's own purpose.

  2. I think you have pretty much described the ugliness of hegemony, a word we don't like to to use desrcribing our advantages in the world. Thank you for this honest, tough answer.
