Friday, May 29, 2015


It was a good Friday, despite a few more communication issues at the camp. We are still fine tuning our timetable and one group waited for me for four hours today (should've been two because they went to a different location two hours early). I smoothed things over, however, and we now have a set schedule to follow. The students range from six to sixty something, and they are all very eager to learn English. We have a lot of fun

Walking through the camp in between the refugees houses. They keep them very clean and do a wonderful job of gardening

Today's contextualized lesson ended up at Teddy's (the English Club President) porch. We eventually had 25 souls packed in there talking about household and garden words.

I finally caught up with my lost group, a very mixed crowd of singers, businessmen, policemen, students, farmers, lawyers, teachers, and other professionals. They ended up forgiving me and we rocked out for two hours :)

We pack 'em in and out of the arenas as well!

Teddy, my chief basketball nemesis! I think I got the better of him today, but it was close. I don't feel like I am older or heavier, it's just that gravity seems to pay a lot more attention to me these days.....

This is William - William doesn't speak a lot of English, he does however, have the innate ability to know when to laugh at my jokes. William sits up front :)

Finally, fufu. Fufu is an African staple that is made of cassava root (or cornmeal or other grains) that is boiled like mashed potatoes. You pinch off a bit roll it up and dip in vegetables (in this case, cassava leaves) or meat and sauce. It is very filling, and I had requested it for tonight after a great week on the job. In East Africa, this is called Ugali.  I have a light weekend coming up, three hours in the camp tomorrow then Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday are mine. Maybe time to go look for presents for my friends back home.............


  1. Fufu looks scrumptious! My daughter asked if they're similar to hushpuppies and my son wants to know if there's a Dunkin' Donuts nearby.

    Teddy looks defiant and William looks lovable. I'm sure you have lots of personalities to work with. God be with all of you!

    Manal K. :)

  2. lol, it is like a big,heavy dumpling. no Dunkin' Donuts, can't even get a Coke. I have my Pakistani tea every morning and a good home cooked meal at night - comfy. Teddy is fierce, but I am cagey :)

  3. Fufu with stew looks like South African mieliepap---?
