With Him are the keys of the
Unseen, the treasures that none
knows but He. He knows whatever
there is on the earth and in the sea.
Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge:
There is not a grain in the darkness
(or the depths) of the earth, not anything
fresh or dry (green or withered), but is
(inscribed) in a Record clear (to those
who can read).
Surah Al-An'am 6:59
I love this Surah, it reminds me that Allah knows me, knows my heart and my mind. I do not worry about the suppositions others make about me, beyond the reasonable conclusions they my draw from my actions which are my responsibility. A consistent set of good deeds should be enough for those around me; I will answer to Him for my thoughts and intentions. And I continually challenge myself to apply these same just standards to others - leaving the unknown things in others' hearts for Him to know and Him to judge.
There is a saying ( if Allah loves someone, He puts this person's love in other people's hearts) Allah loves you my dear.